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Defying Age

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Defying Age is an online community designed to help women preserve, maintain and restore their youth through:

  • Cutting edge skin treatments and products.
  • Health and Wellness
  • Expert Advice and Content
  • A many to many community of women that share experiences, offer support and provide expertise.

The Defying Age Community started as a passion project inspired by our founder's goal to disseminate inaccuracies about anti-aging and providing proven research, information and products in a community hub while supporting passionate, innovative, local businesses.  

Why Defying Age?

Our goal is to invite passionate entrepreneurs (like yourself) in the health, beauty and anti-aging space to join our community as subject matter experts and distribute your products on our platform. 

Our platform is designed with proprietary Samurai technology which leverages artificial intelligence to influence Google rankings in strategic keywords to maximize online visibility.

The platform is supplemented with a powerful CRM, overlaid with SMS to immediately facilitate two way conversations and support / convert buyers faster.  In addition, in partnership with our Marketing and Strategy company, we have developed a best in class affiliate / influencer program for grass roots, trust based growth within micro social communities.

We understand that marketing and digital is everything, especially right now.  From Day 1, we have researched, invested and developed a best in breed distribution system to maximize visibility with the intent of ongoing organic growth.  Our primary distribution channels will be as follows:

  • One to one - Retail transactions.
  • Online - Wholesale.
  • Trust based face to face selling with online ordering.
  • Recurring subscription / auto ship.

If you're interested in joining the Defying Age community as a preferred vendor you can sign up below or reach out and connect with our team directly to receive more information. 

Become a Defying Age Preferred Vendor

Honoring Yourself and The World

Honoring Yourself and The World

We can all do our part to create a better world. From buying Canadian products that are natural, effective, ethical and eco-friendly, to sharing information through dialogue that contributes to increased awareness and knowledge. 

Defying Age wants to facilitate the conversation and give you access to wellness products you can trust. We would love to hear from you! Explore our site, shop online, and reach out to us through our contact form or by calling (587) 355-8296 with any questions or comments.

Join Our Wellness-Conscious Community

From natural skincare and treatments to essential oils and sanitization products, Defying Age is creating a community of consumers and providers who care about the effects of beauty, health and wellness products and services. We distribute only Canadian products that meet our strict guidelines because we believe beautiful products should not come at a price to the environment, must be local and ethically-sourced, and must deliver performance while upholding the standards we represent. 

We invite you to explore our site, shop online, and reach out to us through our contact form or by calling (587) 355-8296 with any questions or comments.

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Have questions? Call today at:
1 (587) 355-8296